Greg Capson, Chief Executive Officer
As CEO Greg brings a broad base of experience notably in senior level management positions in both telecommunications and the health care industry, and has been a successful entrepreneur in various fields over the past 30 years. He holds degrees in Finance and Business Management from the University of Utah, and is well respected in the business community among customers, employees, and shareholders.
Erik Johnson, Chief Technical Officer
As CTO of NovusCall – bringing in over 15 years experience in the telecommunications industry – Erik is armed with extensive end-to-end knowledge of call center environments, applications, and telephone exchange systems. Equally at home with clients, board members and application developers, Erik has the ability to communicate and solve problems with a capable management style.
A Word From Our CEO –
“Your business is our business! We are here to help you be successful with yours, so in turn we can be successful with ours…and most importantly we sincerely value our customers as the most important asset we have!
Please let us know how we are doing. We want to hear from you, and we are quick to respond to your ideas, praises, and even your valuable criticisms.
Thank you,”
Greg Capson